EfL Online Support Clinics & Workshops (FREE)

We're delighted to invite you and/or any of your colleagues to any of these EfL Online Support Clinics and EfL Online Workshops.

They are all free to attend!

Please note: In order to facilitate as much genuine conversation as possible we may restrict numbers for the meeting and therefore, please can we ask that there is a maximum of 3 members of staff per school.

Please use the registration links below to secure your place! 

Once you have successfully registered you will be emailed a unique login link that you will use to be able to join the webinar.

The sessions will also be recorded and a link to access any recording will be added below within 7 days from the event taking place.

EfL Online Support Clinics

We offer weekly EfL Online Support Clinics and on a typical week this term we will run a session on a Monday at 1:30pm and then after school on a Thursday at 3:15pm. 

The session will include:

  • An opportunity to ask any question around setting up or using Evidence for Learning to the EfL Team
  • As it will be a group session it is a great opportunity for you to ask questions to practitioners from other schools. 

Please see the full schedule below for EfL Online Support Clinics and EfL Online Workshops to book your place 

EfL Online Workshops
Topic The session will include:
Book your place Link to Recording
Capture & Review Evidence (basics)
  • Capturing Evidence using the App.
  • Capture Evidence using the Web Console.
  • Locating and reviewing Evidence.
  • Question and Answer session.

Please see full schedule below

Access the recording of a previous session


Create a set of individualised outcomes for use with a single learner (e.g. EHCPs, IEPs, etc.) using a preloaded template

PLGs (Personal Learning Goals) are great for supporting an holistic approach to evidencing, assessing and tracking progress over time against any short, medium and long term individualised goals or targets for a single learner including EHCP / IEPs etc.

The session will include:
  • Examples of how other schools have structured their PLGs.
  • Preview Pre-loaded PLG Templates.
  • Select and Use a template to create a PLG.
  • Question and Answer session.
Please see full schedule below Access a QuickStart Video
Practical Help Adding your own Framework
(not a PLG)
  • Formatting a Text File to create a Framework.
  • Import the Text File to add the Framework to the Cloud.
  • Question and Answer session.

Please see full schedule below

Access the recording of a previous session.

Assessment - Record Professional Judgements

  • Create a Continuum to track Progress (e.g. 'Emerging' - 'Developing' - 'Secure' / RAG etc.)
  • Create an Assessment Framework (not a PLG).
  • Create an Assessment Book (not a PLG).
  •  Add a Schema to a PLG Template
  •  Access an Assessment Book.
  • Question and Answer session.

Please see full schedule below

Engagement Model (DfE)
  • Demonstration of using Indicators to record observations and to facilitate conversations around a Learner's Engagement.
  • Examples of other Indicator Sets that schools use.
  • Creating Indicator reports and including the Indicator Table and Spider Web Charts in PDFs
  • Question and Answer session.

Please see full schedule below

Access the recording of a previous session


Upgrade an existing PLG

  • Demonstration of how you can Upgrade your Existing PLGs using the New PLG Wizard
  • Explore the kind of changes that you may need to make either to the PLG Template or your existing PLGs
  • Question and Answer Session

Please see full schedule below

Editing a PLG using the Web Console
  • Set up Status Values and Framework Views to highlight the 'Current' outcomes or to hide specific outcomes.
  • Editing a PLG using the Web Console
  • Question and Answer session.

Please see full schedule below

Access the recording of a previous session.
The EfL Family App
  • Demonstration of some of the main features of the EfL Family App
  • See the EfL Family App the school's and from the Parent's perspective
  • Short Demonstration of Setting up the EfL Family
  • Question and Answer Session
Please see full schedule below

EfL Online Workshops and Clinics Spring Term 2024/25

Week Commencing 03/03/2025

Monday (03/03/25)   Tuesday (04/03/25) Thursday (06/03/25)    


       3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Workshop
Create a PLG using a preloaded template
A set of individualised outcomes for use with a single learner

e.g. EHCPs, IEPs, etc.
Book your place here
3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here

Week Commencing 10/03/2025

Monday (10/03/25)
Wednesday (12/03/25) Thursday (13/03/25)
1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Support Clinic

Book your place here

     1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Workshop
Practical Help Adding your own Framework
(not a PLG)

Book your place here
    3:30pm - 4:15pm
EfL Online Workshop
***New PLG Wizard***
Upgrade an Existing PLG
Book your place here

3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Support Clinic

Book your place here


Week Commencing 17/03/2025

Monday (17/03/25)
Tuesday (18/03/25) Friday (21/03/25)
1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here
1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Workshop
Edit a PLG
Book your place here
    3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Workshop
Assessment - Record Professional Judgements
Book your place here


Week Commencing 24/03/2025

Monday (24/03/25)
Wednesday (26/03/25) Thursday (27/03/25)
1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here
    1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Workshop
Engagement Model (DfE)
Book your place here
    3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Workshop
EfL Family App
Book your place here

3:15pm - 4:00pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here


Week Commencing 31/03/2025

Monday (31/03/25)   Thursday (03/04/25)    
1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here
     1:30pm - 2:15pm
EfL Online Support Clinic
Book your place here



EfL LearningShared Networking Events

Topic The session included: Link to Recording
Setting up your EfL journey for success: learning and sharing with other schools
    - We'd like to create an opportunity for new and experienced schools to come together, share and learn from each other about how to get successfully up and running with EfL and start to embed it across school in all relevant areas or learning and development. The meeting will focus on the basics and building a strong foundation for using EfL.
    - The event will include a presentation from Darren Jones who is an Assistant Head Teacher at Oakwood Academy in Manchester. Oakwood Academy have been using EfL for a little over a year and Darren will share the school's journey and outline how they have embedded the use of EfL across the school during that time. 
LearningShared  CPLD Programme & Learning Platform

Launch and demonstration
The programme has been designed by and is led and delivered by nationally recognised practitioners and experts in our field including Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE, Diane Rochford OBE (Chair, Rochford Review), Vijita Patel NLE (Principal, Swiss Cottage School DRC) and Alistair Crawford (St Martins / St Andrews School, Whole School SEND, Oak National Academy), with brilliant contributions from Dr Tina Rae, Sharon Gray OBE, Dr Janet Rose, Laura Purser, Amanda Mordey OBE, Roz McFeeters and many more colleagues across our network.

The programme consists of 7 modules looking at Curriculum; Pedagogy; Assessment; Leadership at all Levels; SEND Policy and Legislation; Reflective Inquiry and Wellbeing with each module containing:

- Pre-recorded lecture/presentation (online)
- Module-related case studies/webinars from leading schools, experts and practitioners
- Live interactive panel discussion with Q & A (virtual)
- Signposted further reading
- Suggested developmental questions and activities to consider in your own school

During the event, we'll be joined by some of the course designers and leaders including Prof. Barry Carpenter CBE, Diane Rochford OBE, Vijita Patel and Alistair Crawford and we'll be providing a detailed walkthrough of the programme and platform showing...

- The scope and scale of the content and resources that have been developed and curated for you and your staff.
- Overview of the Live Networking Events and forthcoming online networking and collaboration tools
- Why we think it's an important resource
- How you might use it across your school to support and drive school improvement
- How your school, setting or MAT can subscribe and take advantage of the programme and platform (costs and next steps).

Using EfL to develop conversation around Engagement

- This event is aimed at practitioners and leaders who want to explore with colleagues from other schools how EfL can be used to support the use of the Engagement model - in particular, how the app can facilitate conversations around Engagement that can help to develop personalisation of interventions, strategies and teaching... ultimately leading to improved pupil outcomes.

- We are delighted to be joined by our  Principal Adviser, Barry Carpenter OBE who will to co-host the event. Barry Carpenter has a career spanning over 40 years. His appointments include Professor of Mental Health in Education to Oxford Brookes University, and Honorary Professorships at universities in Ireland, Germany and Australia, as well as Principal, Chief Executive, and National Director for Complex Needs at the Government Department for Education. 

- Interestingly, in relation to this session, whilst in his role as National Director for Complex Needs, Barry led an important and valuable piece of research on the use of Engagement as a pedagogy. This work become the foundation for England’s Department for Education’s new guidance for assessment (DfE, 2019). 

- There will be a presentation from Alex Revens, the SENDCo & Specialist Leader of Education for Autism at Belmont School in Harrow. Alex gave a presentation sharing how he and his team use EfL in relation to Engagement and what has been the impact of evaluating and assessing Engagement on teaching and pedagogy.

- As a Specialist Leader in Education, Alex supports other settings, including senior leadership teams, whole school teams and teaching staff in their provision for pupils on Autism spectrum. This involves advising on the strategic leadership of SEND within settings, developing inclusive Autism-appropriate environments within classrooms and instilling an Autism accepting culture within schools. He also leads the NQT Autism training as part of the local authority programme.
How to Talk with Children and Young People About War | Understanding and Supporting our Refugee Children

Led by Dr Tina Rae
- At this current time, we are all hugely distressed by the images of the war in Ukraine and particularly of the children and their families fleeing the bombardment and seeking refuge and escape from the horror and trauma of war.

- Many in our schools are getting ready to welcome in these children and young people and considering ways in which they can best support this transition and nurture their families within our communities.

- Tina will highlight specific strategies that you can use to support our refugee children as they transition, to ensure that they feel safe and welcomed. There are a number of evidence-based strategies that can easily be adopted and shared. She will also highlight ways in which we can prepare the children who are in our school communities to welcome their refugee friends, and also identify the best and safest ways to discuss the war with our children and young people.

- It is hoped that this webinar will demystify some of the concerns that people may have and provide you with confidence and reassurance you need to undertake this task effectively.
- There would also be an opportunity to discuss the presentation and a Q&A session for delegates to participate in.

Click here for further details about the event and to download free resources

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