Update Existing Learners in Your Cloud

If you need to change any Learner's details, you use the Admin Web Console. You can either edit individual details for Learners 'live' in the Admin Web Console, or you can update details in bulk using a spreadsheet created via the export/import process.

Here are the steps to edit Learner's details 'live' in the Admin Web Console:

We would recommend using Google Chrome as the internet browser for using the Admin Web Console. We have found that the Internet Explorer Browser does not always allow you to edit Learner details 'live' in the Admin Web Console.

On a computer, go to the Admin Web console (https://console.evidenceforlearning.net) and login:

1.    Click Learners (left side)

2.    Select the Learner to edit by clicking on the box to the left of their name

3.    Click on Edit (top left)

4. You can select various pieces of information to edit by clicking on it.

5. When you type in the information, the Learner's details in the Cloud are automatically updated and saved.

Here are the steps via an Excel spreadsheet to edit or update existing Learners in the Cloud:

On a computer, go to the Admin Web console ( https://console.evidenceforlearning.net) and login:

1.    Click  Learners (left side)

2.    Click Export (top right) 

3.    Open the Excel file that has downloaded on to your computer. The spreadsheet contains all the Learners currently in the Cloud. 

Please take note Column A (first column). This contains the Cloud ID for each learner. The Cloud ID is the unique identifier that Evidence for Learning uses for each Learner. When you re-import this file to the Admin Web Console, you will need to ensure that each existing Learner's Cloud ID is intact in the spreadsheet. Without the Cloud ID, the system will create a duplicate Learner rather than update the existing Learner record.  

It is important that you never add, edit or delete these Cloud IDs

4.    Make any amendments to existing Learners.

5.    Save the document with a name and in a location that you can easily find

Return to your Admin Web console and login: 

6.    Click Learners (left side),

7.    Click Import (top right)

8.     Click Choose File, search (Browse) for your saved spreadsheet file

9.      Map the Columns in the spreadsheet with the columns in the data. If you exported the existing Learners to a spreadsheet and then added the new Learners' details using the same format, it automatically knows which column maps to which field. If you are populating Groups you can also specify which column has group names. 

10.     We want the Cloud ID be used as a unique identifier. If a match is found with an existing Learner's Cloud ID, its record will be updated. If there is no match, then a new Learner will be created and assigned a unique Cloud ID. Therefore, select the following options (bottom of the menu):

Use this filed as a Unique identifier (bottom of menu):  Cloud ID

If match found then (bottom of menu):  Update the Learner record   

If no match found then (bottom of menu):  Add the Learner record

11.   Click Next (bottom right, you may need to scroll to the bottom of the page)
12.   Click  Process

Here's our Setup video to help you get started, we've jumped forward to the relevant place for you.

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