Other Articles
- Add Comment Templates to the Cloud
- Add Comment Templates to an iOS device
- Add Frameworks to an iOS device
- How do I find out my schools "domain" to login to the Web Console?
- Create a PLG (Web Console)
- Introduction to Frameworks
- Add Parents Email Addresses
- Create a PLG using the iOS App
- Add Comment Templates to an Android device
- How do I Assign an Assessment Schema to a PLG?
- PLG: How do I Edit or delete a PLG Template?
- The Evidence on my Device is not uploading/transferring to the Cloud, what can I do?
- Create a PDF of an Assessment Book (iOS App)
- How do I setup Baseline Flags and record Baseline Judgments?
- Add Date Ranges to an iOS Device
- Enable Parent Services
- Make Changes to a PLG using the Web Console
- Share Evidence with parents/carers
- Archive or hide outcomes that have been met (PLG)
- Activate Parent Accounts