Create or add your own Framework (that will be used with more than 1 Learner)
Many schools or settings create their own curriculum and skills Frameworks, Evidence for Learning is not in any way prescriptive and can work with any Framework enabling your school or setting to have their own personalised Frameworks in place. This guide is aimed at creating a Framework, be used by more than one learner. If you want to create a framework that will be used for only one learner, then you want to create a PLG (Personal Learning Goal) and it will be useful for you to review and follow the guide: "What is a PLG?".
Here is a video that shows how you create or add your own Framework (that will be used with more than 1 Learner):
Here are the simple rules to follow when creating your own frameworks that you can later import to your Cloud:
1. Always use a text editor (avoid tools like Word as they add special characters which can interfere with the importing process). You can copy and paste data from applications such as Word easily into a Text Editor.
The programs that we recommend schools use to create the framework text files for EfL are:
For Windows computers : Notepad++. (
For Mac : BBedit (
2. Line number 1 should be the name of the Framework
3. Below you add the various headings, subheadings and the Framework items that you will be capturing evidence for. Each new item should be on a new line.
4. Prefix each Heading or item with one hyphen (“-“)
5. Prefix each Subheading or Sub Item with two hyphens (“–“)
6. You are able to nest the sections or sub sections up to 4 four levels deeps. I.e. you can’t have more than 4 hyphens at the start of each row (“----")
7. Add open and close square brackets [] before a specific outcome or statement that you intend to be able to gather evidence for
For example:
8. When saving your Framework use a Name and a location that you will easily find