Add Comment Templates to the Cloud

Comment Templates are a great way to give structure and consistency to your observations and evidence. They can also be used as a prompt for the observer. In order to add Comment Templates to your device they first need to be created using the Admin Console.

Here's the steps to add comment templates to the Cloud:

On a computer, go to the Admin Console ( and login.

1.    Hover over System Data (top left) and then Click on Date Ranges (top left).

2.    Select Add (top right)

3.    Write your template and leave gaps for the user to fill in when gathering evidence and select Save

If you leave a single space next to any headings/sections that you create in your Comment Template, this will make it easier for users to place the cursor next to the heading before writing in their comments.

Here's our Setup video to help you get started, we've jumped forward to start from the relevant place for you.

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