Introduction to a PLG (Personal Learning Goals)?

A PLG stands for Personal Learning Goals. 

The PLG tool in Evidence for Learning allows you to create and mange sets of individualised learning outcomes or intentions for your Learners.

They are great for supporting an holistic approach to evidencing, assessing and tracking progress over time against any short, medium and long term individualised goals or targets for a single learner including EHC plans.

As you create a PLG, a Framework is automatically generated containing the outcomes and intentions. This Framework can be used just like your other Frameworks for making observations and linking evidence.

PLG Frameworks can be edited, meaning that it can be adapted over time as the Learner’s needs and aims change.

You can quickly and easily activate an Assessment Book for any of your PLGs. This Assessment Book has all the benefits of the multi-Learner Assessment Books, enabling you to customise the system to reflect the assessment model used by your school or setting, it’s is especially handy for:

  • Showing how short term steps, align with medium term outcomes and longer term aspirations and goals
  • Seeing where you have evidence and notes against learning outcomes and then linking through to a timeline where you can review these in detail.
  • Tracking lateral progress or small steps
  • Formative and summative assessment

There is an option to create a PDF snapshot of the data in the Assessment Book. In the PDF you can choose to show just the learning outcomes or you can also include evidence counts and/or Assessment data. These PDFs can also be easily shared with other stakeholders via the Learner Profile, including with parents and carers.

PLGs can be created and managed using the iOS app or via the Web Console. 

Here's a video that gives you an overview of how you use PLGs to track progress against Individualised outcomes, including those from EHCPs.

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