How do I Convert an Existing Framework into a PLG?

If you have already created an Assessment Framework and an Assessment Book but now wish to convert these to a PLG to enable the ability to adapt the Framework and to give quality, control and oversight to Assessment Managers.

PLG's are created and managed using the Evidence for Learning App on your device.

Please Note: Before converting a Framework, you should login as the Assessment User who will be the designated editor of the PLG. Only Frameworks intended for individuals are suitable for PLG's. The Assessment Book and Framework will be created during the process if they haven't already been created. If you wish to convert the PLG back to a separate Framework and Assessment Book just swipe left on the PLG to delete it.

Here's the steps to convert and existing Framework to a PLG

1.    Login to Assessment (bottom right)

2.    Tap Manage PLG's (top right)

3.    Tap Convert an Existing Framework (bottom left)

4.    Tap the Framework required and then Tap Convert (top right)

5.    Evidence for Learning will then check that the Framework can be converted into a PLG. It can only be converted if it has evidence linked to 1 Learner (if there's an Assessment Book it also checks that the same Learner has been used for that). If it is suitable to be converted to a PLG it will now tell you this and ask you to confirm that you wish to convert it, if you do Tap Convert

6.    You will then be taken straight back to the PLG settings screen, Tap (Assessment Book: Draft (Not in Use) to set the Assessment Book live

7.    Specify the Learner if required

8.   If you want you can set permissions now or you can make bulk changes to permissions and PLGs later. 

If you want to change the owner now Tap Change owner (top right), Tap on the New Owner and then Tap Done (top right)

If you want to give permission to an Assessment User to be able to access the Assessment book Tap on Specify which Assessment Users can access the Assessment Book and then Tap + (top right), Tap on the Users you want to be able give access to and then Tap Done (top right)

If you would like to make bulk changes to permissions and owners of PLGs later then here is the guide to refer to when you are ready -

9.    To edit the PLG Framework including adding a Schema so that selected headings/outcomes can be assessed Tap Create and Edit Framework/Assessment Items (bottom).

10.    To edit the Framework or to add a Schema Tap Edit PLG Framework/Assessment Items (top right). You can now make the changes to the PLG Framework including adding new headings/outcome or moving or deleting some. You can also add a Schema by Tapping on the Schema Icon (3 gagues, top right), Tap on the Headings/Outcomes that you would like to add a Schema to and they will turn grey. When you have made your selection Tap Set Schema (top right) and then Tap on the relevant Schema (that has already been created and are therefore available to pick from).  When you have made all the changes, Tap Submit for Review (bottom right), Enter the reason for the change and Tap Submit for Review (top right) and confirm by Tapping Review. If you are an Assessment Manager you can approve your own changes by Tapping Approve (bottom right). If you are an Assessment User these changes will now need to be approved by an Assessment Manager.  

Here's our video tutorial for Converting an existing PLG Framework to help you get started.

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