Add a PLG Framework to my device and Capture Evidence

A PLG is a Framework specific for individual Learners, capturing evidence using a PLG can help to assess and measure the individual Learners progress and to identify areas where extra support or interventions would be suitable. As PLG's can also be made into a PDF and shared it's a great way to identify needs with parents and carers and this allows them to share in the Learners progress. There is a detailed guide on PLGs called: What is a PLG (Personal Learning Goal)?

In order to start capturing evidence using your PLG you will first need to build the PLG on your device using the Evidence for Learning App. After you have built the PLG you will need to add it to your device.

Here's the steps to add the PLG Framework to your device:

Go to Settings (gear icon, top left)
Scroll down to Frameworks
Tap  (top right)
Select the PLG Frameworks you have built and want to add to your device
Tap Save

Once you have added the PLG Framework to your device you can now start to capture some evidence.

Here's our video tutorial to show how to add the PLG Framework to your device. 

Here’s the next steps to start capturing evidence using a PLG 

From the main launch screen tap Capture (largest icon, middle of screen )
Select the Learner required
Add in your Evidence 
Add Framework [select outcomes from the appropriate PLG to link to this evidence
Save as Draft (orange) and the evidence will sit on the device or Save as Green/Published and the evidence will be uploaded to the Cloud. 
We would recommend that you save all evidence as green, as you can continue to edit it once it is safely saved and secured in your Cloud.


Please Note: Once you have captured evidence it is visible in the Learner Profiles or in the Cloud, you can also view the evidence in the PLG Assessment Book.

Here's our video tutorial to show how to capture evidence and to link it to a PLG. We've jumped forward to the relevant place for you.

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