Make the Framework and Assessment Book Live (PLG)

Make the Framework and Assessment Book Live (PLG)

Once the changes have been approved, here are the steps to make the PLG and the Assessment Book Live:

1.    Login to Assessment (bottom right)

2.    Tap Manage PLGs (top right)

3.    Tap the Pencil Icon (right side)

4.    Tap Settings (top right)

5.    To make the Framework Live Tap Framework: Archived (Not in Use) and then Tap Live

6.    To make the Assessment Book live Tap Assessment Book: Draft (Not in Use) and then Tap Live

7.    Now Tap Specify which assessment users can access the Assessment Book (towards the bottom of the menu)

8.    Tap + (top right) and then select the Users you would like to be able to access the Assessment Book and thenTap Done (top right)

9.    You have now created your PLG and set it live you can now leave the PLG settings by Tapping PLG Framework (top left), then Tap Back (top left) and then tap < (top left) twice and it will then ask you to confirm that you would like to leave the Assessment area.

Please Note: PLG Frameworks can be edited and added to over time.

Here's our video tutorial showing how to build a PLG Framework to help you get started. We have jumped forward to the relevant place for you.

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