Create a set of Indicators

Indicators are another way to Assess and manage your Learners outcomes and intentions they are built and managed on your device through the Evidence for Learning App.

Here are the steps to help...

  1. Tap Settings (gear icon, top left)
  2. Tap Cloud Admin (top right) [login]
  3. Scroll down to Indicators

From you here you can build your own sets of Indicators alternatively you can use and adapt the pre loaded sets of indicators which come with your Evidence for Learning subscription, the steps below can show how to get started with the preloaded sets of Indicators.

Preloaded Sets of Indicators...

  1. Tap Add (top right)
  2. Tap Pre loaded (bottom of screen)
  3. Select the Pre loaded Indicator you require
  4. Tap on the selected Indicator
  5. Re name and edit where required 
  6. Tap to set the status from Draft to Live

Your Pre loaded indicator is now ready to use whilst capturing Evidence for your Learners. If you would like to build your own sets of Indicators from scratch you can also do this from your device, once in the Indicators section in the Cloud Admin menu follow the below steps to help get started building your own Indicator.

Build your own Sets of Indicators...

  1. Tap Add (top right)
  2. Tap New (bottom of screen)
  3. Tap Indicator Set Name to change the name 
  4. Tap Indicator Set Short Name to add an abbreviated name 
  5. Tap Add (top right) to add an Indicator 
  6. You can add up to 2 text boxes for each Indicator along with a range of values 
  7. Tap to set the status to Live from Draft 

Now you have built your Set of Indicators you can begin using it when capturing evidence for your Learners.

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