Capture Evidence on my device

Once you have your device set up, Paired and all of your system data for your Learners uploaded you're ready to start gathering evidence for your Learners.

Here are the steps to capture evidence:

1.    From the main launch screen tap Capture (largest icon, centre of screen)

2.    To link the evidence with specific Learners Tap the + to the right of Learners

3.    You can then Tap on All Learners on this Device or on a particular group, when you do this it will take you to a list of Learners to select from

4.    Simply Tap on the Learners you want to link the evidence to. You can tap on one or a number of Learners. A tick will appear to the right of the Learners when they are selected. Alternatively, if you want to select all the Learners in the list you can Tap on the empty box next to Muti-Select (top right) 

5.    When you have selected all the Learners you want Tap Done (top right)

6.    The date for the observation will be set for Today to change the date tap the Calendar (to the right of Today). Select the date you want and click Done

7.    As you scroll down you will see +  +  + (under Photos/videos) for up to 3 pieces of evidence

8.    Tap one of the +  and you can choose to take a new picture or video or select pictures or videos from your library 

9.    You Change the order of your pictures and videos with a swipe gesture

10.  To add Comments tap the +  to the right of comments

11.  You can fill in a comment here or you can select to use a Comment Template, to use a Comment template tap Search/magnifying glass icon below Templates (top right) and Tap on the Comment Template that you want to use, then simply fill in the details and Tap Done (top right)

12.  To Link the Evidence with a Framework then Tap + to the right of Frameworks. Then Tap Add links to a Framework, then Tap on the Framework you want to link to, then simply tap on the relevant sections and Tap on the boxes next to the Skill, Action or behaviour that you would like to link this evidence to. 

You can select numerous boxes and use the back arrow (top left) to go back and select from different sections of the Framework. When you have chosen all the aspects of the Framework that you would like to link this observation to Tap Done (top right). You can repeat this process if you would also like to link this observation with more than one framework simply by Tapping the Pencil to the right of Frameworks to edit or add to your selections.

13.  To Link Tags to this Evidence Tap + to the right of Tags. You can then select one or more tags to link this evidence to. When you have selected all the Tags you want Tap Done (top right)

14.  When you have completed gathering your evidence and recording the details you can Save it to the Cloud. Simply, scroll to the top of the screen tap the orange button and then Tap Save (Top Right)

You can still edit the evidence at a later date. However, it is now stored securely in your cloud and it will also be able to be seen by other colleague.

Please Note: Once you save the evidence to the Cloud it will appear in the Learner Profiles for that Learner or group along with any other evidence captured for that Learner or group by yourself and your colleagues.

In a single observation there is room for up to 3 photos or videos. Videos may be up to 1 minute long.

Here's our video tutorial to help get you started capturing evidence using your device.

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