Setting up and Recording Assessment Judgements using MAPP (PLGs)

Evidence for Learning allows MAPP to be used to assess selected items within a Framework, including PLGs. 

It can also be combined with other types of Assessment Schemes. Therefore, some items of a Framework can be assessed using "MAPP" and other items could be assessed using a different continuum.

This guide covers the process of setting up and using MAPP:

Create MAPP as 4 Assessment Aspects

Add the 4 Assessment Aspects created for MAPP to a Schema

Use MAPP with an Assessment Framework

Record Professional Judgements using MAPP

Here are the steps to create MAPP as an Assessment Aspect:

MAPP is setup using a iPad. Once set up you can add MAPP to PLGs (Personal Learning Goals) using the App (iPad) and the Web Console, the browser version of the App.

On an iPad...

1.    From the home screen with the animated stars and the word "Capture" Tap on the Cog icon (top left).

2.    Tap  Cloud Admin (top right) and enter the Cloud Admin password and Tap Continue.

3.    Scroll down and Tap Assessment Aspects.

4.    Tap  (top right).

5.    Tap  New Aspect, you can now delete “new aspect” and type your 1st new aspect name e.g. "Prompting".

6.    To add the Pre-loaded scale for MAPP, Tap Pre-loaded (top right).

7.    There are then 2 scales available to choose from for MAPP, each having different options in terms of colour. Tap on the one you would like to use.

8.    If you selected "Mapp2 - Rag", you should see the screen below (If you selected MAPP2 the only difference is that all aspect values on the right will be green):

9.    Tap on Assessment Aspects (top left).

10.  Repeat steps 4-9 adding an Aspect for each element "Fluency", "Maintenance" and "Generalisation". Do note that the names of the aspects will be shown in alphabetical order, we amend this when we set up the Schema.

Here are the steps to add the 4 Aspects to an Assessment Schema for MAPP:

1.    Go to  Settings (the gear icon, top left).

2.    Tap  Cloud Admin (top right)  and login.

3.    Scroll down and Tap  Assessment Schemas.

4.    Tap  + (top right).

5.    Tap "new schema" and rename the schema e.g. "MAPP2" and tap Save (top right).

6.    Tap "(None)" under Aspect 1 and select "Prompting".

7.    Tap "(None)" under Aspect 2 and select "Fluency".

6.    Tap "(None)" under Aspect 3 and select "Maintenance".

7.    Tap "(None)" under Aspect 4 and select "Generalisation".

8.    You then should see this screen:

6.    You have now created MAPP as an Assessment Schema. Tap Assessment Schemas (top left).

7.    Tap  Assessment Schemas (top left). Tap Cloud Admin (top left), and then leave the Cloud Admin Menu and return to the home screen of the App.

Here are the steps to assign the MAPP2 Schema to an existing PLG:

1.    From the home screen of the App with the animated stars and the word "Capture", Tap on the Pencil and Pad Icon (bottom right) and login to the Assessment Area of the App.

2.    Tap  Manage PLGs

3.    Tap the  Pencil Icon to the right of the PLG you want to assign a schema to

4.    Tap  Edit PLG Framework/Assessment Items (top right)

5.    Tap the 3 gauges Schema Icon (very top)

6.    Select each of the Headings and/or the Outcomes that you want to assign a Schema to, when you Tap on them and they will turn grey. When you have selected all the headings/outcomes that you want to assign a schema to Tap  Set Schema (top right)

7.    Select the Schema you want to assign e.g "MAPP2"

Helpful Tips:    You can select different Schemas to be assigned to different items within your Framework if you wish.

                        Not all headings/outcomes need to have a schema assigned to it. It can be personalised to your requirements.

                        To remove a Schema you have assigned Tap the Heading/Outcome, it will turn grey and then Tap Remove Schema (top right)

8.   When you have completed the changes, Tap  Submit for Review and then Tap Review.

The current version will not be updated until an Assessment Manager approves these changes. 

If you are an Assessment Manager, you can simply Tap Approve and the changes will become live.

Here are the steps to record Professional Judgements using MAPP?

1.    From the home screen of the App with the animated stars and the word "Capture", Tap on the Pencil and Pad Icon (bottom right) and login to the Assessment Area of the App

2.    Tap to open relevant Assessment Book

3.    First column (right hand side) shows the amount of evidence collected for each statement or item

4.    To view the evidence collected Tap the Evidence icon

5.    Tap the Framework Switch (bottom right) to expand the Framework and to show at a glance the developmental ranges and where the evidence gathered sits

6.    Tap on the  dotted rectangle to the right of the item that you want to assess

7.    Make the appropriate Judgement against MAPP. Below is an example.

8.    Tap  Record [to amend or delete the Judgement tap on it and tap Reset]. After you have made your judgements, you may see a similar screen to the example below

9.      As you can see on the right hand side it shows the primary/first aspect which in the case of MAPP2 is Prompting. To be able to see all four elements of MAPP2, Tap on the Show: Aspects Button (bottom):

10.    Tap  Save (top right). 

This will save the assessment judgements to the Cloud. 

The next time you or a colleague goes into the Assessment Book the assessment judgements will be displayed in the History column.

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