How do I Setup Expected Outcome Flags?

Expected Outcome Flags can be used to highlight that a target is the end point on a continuum in the Evidence for Learning App. They can help to identify the progress that a Learner/s has made.

It is worth taking sometime to consider when your Expected Outcomes will be reviewed throughout the academic year as this will help you to decide how many Expected Outcome Flags to create and what to call them.

Here's the steps to setup an Expected Outcome Flag :

1.    Go to Settings (gear icon, top left)

2.    If you are not already logged into Cloud Admin, Tap Cloud Admin and Login

3.    Scroll down and Tap Expected Outcome Flags

4.    Tap + (top right)

You will see the following screen:

5.    Enter the name of your Expected Outcome Flag. In this example, the Expected Outcome Flag is for Term 1 and will be named "T1 2019-20". It is worth noting that the shorter the name of the flag the clearer it will be displayed on the summary screen when making judgements 

6.    You then decide the dates from and to that staff will be able to use this Expected Outcome Flag by Tapping on the relevant calendar. In this example, the Expected Outcome Flag will be available to use for the month of September. Therefore, all members of staff would be expected to record their Expected Outcome Judgement before the end of September.  

7.    Then select the colour that you want this Expected Outcome Flag to be shown as on device

8.    You now choose the date that you would like all Expected Outcomes to be recorded as. Therefore, you select the date that you would like them to have achieved the Expected Outcome. In this example, I have chosen the last day of the term so 20th December 2019:

10.  When you are happy with your selections, Tap Save (top right)

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