Share a PDF report with parents/carers
Here are the steps to share a PDF report with parents:
It is always good practice to Save reports to the Cloud as soon as possible. This guide takes you through the steps of sharing a PDF that is already stored in the Cloud and therefore, is no longer on a device.
1. From the main screen with the word "Capture" and the stars, Tap on the Learner Icon (picture of a Learner under "Capture")
2. Tap on All Learners on this Device or the Group the Learner is in
3. Tap on the Learner that you want to share a piece of evidence from
4. To then see all evidence that is in the Cloud Tap on the Cloud Icon (top right)
5. You then will see the Cloud Profile for the selected Learner. You can see that the PDF report Called Learning Journal dated 9th August 2019 has not been shared with parents as the Shared with Parent Icon is grey:
6. To share the PDF called Learning Journey to the Parental Accounts of the Learner, Tap on the Share with Parents Icon, it will turn blue to indicate that is now shared:
So a parent logging onto their Parental Account and clicking on Reports, would see the PDF report called "Learning Journey" dated 9th August 2019. To view the PDF report they would .