How do I Create Folders to organise PLGs?

Create Folders to organise PLGs

We have introduced Folders to help manage PLGs for Assessment Managers. Therefore, an Assessment Manager with the Cloud Admin password can create folders that then PLGs can be placed into. Assessment Users if they have permission to be able to access a PLG will still be able to access it but will not see the Folders. Therefore, for Assessment Users they will still see a list of all the PLGs that they have permissions for. 

You can now create Folders to organise your PLGs:

1. From the Home Screen of the App with animated stars and the word "Capture" Tap on the Cog (top left).

2. Tap on Cloud Admin (top right).

3. Enter the Cloud Admin Password and Tap Continue.

4. Tap on Folders (PLGs).

See below...

4. To Create a new Folder Tap + (top right).

See below...

5. Enter the name of the Folder that you want to create and Tap Save (top right). You can repeat the process to create more Folders for your PLGs.

Make and name as many Folders as you want. 

When naming your Folder, it is worth taking time to consider how you want to structure the organisation of your PLGs. 

You can change your Folders names and how they are organised at anytime. PLGs don't have to be in a folder.

Move PLGs to specific Folders

Only Assessment Managers can move PLGs to specific Folders.

1. From the Home Screen of the App with animated stars and the word "Capture" Tap on the Pencil and Pad Icon (bottom right) to access the Assessment Area of the App.

2. Enter your username and password and Tap Continue.

3. Tap Manage PLGs (top right).

4. Tap Bulk Edit (top right).

See below...

5. Tap the tick to the right of all the PLGs that you want to move to the same Folder. Once selected the tick will become green.

Then Tap Apply to Selection (top right).

Then Tap Move to Folder.

See below...

6. Tap on the name of the Folder that you want to move the selected PLGs to.

You can repeat the process and move other PLGs into Folders. 

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