Edit a Framework (not a PLG)

Edit a Framework (not a PLG) using the Admin Console on a computer:

Here is video that will show you how you can edit a Framework (not a PLG) using the Admin Console ( https://console.evidenceforlearning.net/)

You can EDIT your regular frameworks, reorganise, add to, edit and delete items:

Edit a Framework (not a PLG) using an iPad:

You can EDIT your regular frameworks, reorganise, add to, edit and delete items:

1.    Go to Settings (gear icon, top left)

2.    Tap on Cloud Admin (top right)

3.   Enter your Cloud Admin Password and Tap Continue (right side)

4.    Tap on Frameworks

5.    Tap on the Framework that you would like to edit

6.    Tap Edit Framework Items (bottom right)

7.    You will then be taken to the Edit Framework screen:

8.    You can now make the following changes:

a) Edit the spelling or wording of a heading/outcomes

b) Add new headings/outcomes

c) Delete headings

d) Delete outcomes as long as there is no evidence has been associated to that particular outcome. If this is the case the evidence will first of all need to be edited so that it is not associated to that particular outcome or the evidence would need to be deleted. If it as an Assessment Framework that you are editing you will not be able to delete an outcome if it has either has a judgement made against it or if it has been set up as an Assessment Item. Therefore, the judgment would need to be deleted before an outcome can be. If an outcome has been set up as an Assessment item this will need to be changed before you will be able to delete the outcome.

Here are the steps to edit the spelling or wording of a heading/outcome: 

1.    Tap on the heading/outcome that you would like to edit and it will become grey

2.    Tap on the Pencil Icon:

If Evidence has been associated to that at outcome you will get a message asking are you sure and highlighting the need to remember to consider the original context to avoid invalidating any existing evidence. This is important as the evidence will still be associated to the outcome. Therefore, you do not want to edit the wording of the outcome to the extent that the evidence no longer relevant to it. If you want to continue you Tap edit, alternatively Tap Cancel.

3.    You can now edit the spelling or wording of the outcome and Tap Save (top right). In this example "or cushion" has been added to the outcome:

4.    If that is the only change you want to make you can then go to: Review & Approve the Changes now that I have edited a Framework

Here are the steps to add new headings/outcomes:

1.    If you want to add a new heading you tap on an existing heading (it will turn grey) and Tap the + Icon. If you want to add a new outcome you Tap on an outcome above where you would like to add a new one (it will turn grey) and Tap the + Icon:

2.    Write the new heading or outcome. If it is a heading you would leave Enable Evidence Capture (top right) not ticked. In this example, a new outcome is being added, therefore, "Enable Evidence Capture" (top right) will remain ticked. If it was a heading "Enable Evidence Capture" would be not ticked. When ready, Tap Save (top right)

If you have added a new outcome it will automatically make it a mini step outcome from the one above it. Therefore, you may want to check how the outcome are aligned. If you would like to change how an outcome is aligned, Tap on the outcome (it will turn grey) and use the arrows to align the Framework as you wish:

Therefore, if you want the new outcome at the same level as the others just align them accordingly:

You may also want to move an outcome or heading. To do this Tap & Hold on the handle to the right of the item that you wish to pick up and move. A box will appear around the item to indicate it has been picked up and you can now move it:

3.    If you have completed editing the Framework then go to: Review & Approve the Changes now that I have edited a Framework

Here are the steps to delete headings:

1.    If you want to delete a heading you tap on an existing heading (it will turn grey) and Tap the Delete Icon (bin):

You will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete the item

Here are the steps to delete outcomes:

1.    If you want to delete an outcome you tap on an existing outcome (it will turn grey) and Tap the Delete Icon (bin):

You will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete the item

You can not delete an outcome if evidence is associated to it:

It is also important to know that you cannot delete an outcome that has evidence associated to it. If you try you will see a notification outlining that to delete the outcome you will need to ensure that no evidence is associated to it. You can remove the links from within the evidence to a particular outcome or you could delete the evidence. You can locate the piece of evidence associated to an outcome by filtering evidence within the search options. Either way, no outcome can be deleted if there is evidence associated to it.

You can not delete an outcome if a judgement is currently made against it or it has been set up within an Assessment Framework as an item that can be assessed:

If it as an Assessment Framework that you are editing you will not be able to delete an outcome if it has either has a judgement made against it or if it has been set up as an Assessment Item. Therefore, the judgment would need to be deleted before an outcome can be. If an outcome has been set up as an Assessment item this will need to be changed before you will be able to delete the outcome.

Here are the steps to Review & Approve the Changes now that I have edited a Framework:

1.    When you have completed editing the Framework, you will now need to submit these changes by Tapping Review and Approve (bottom right)

2.    Enter the reason for the change and your unique to you Username and Password that you use to Log in to the Assessment Area of the App. Then Tap Submit for Review (top right)

3.    You now review the changes that you have proposed and the new additions to the Framework are highlighted in red. There are three tabs at the top of the screen to allow you to see the current version, the proposed version and the reason for the change. To Approve the changes Tap Approve (bottom right)

4.    Finally, you enter you unique to you Username and Password that you also use to enter the Assessment Area of the App and Tap Continue. The changes to the Frameworks are now live. The Framework in the Cloud  has now been updated. As other devices synchronise with the Cloud the Framework on those devices will also be updated. 

Remember if you want to reflect these changes in associated Assessment Frameworks and Assessment Books these will also need to be updated

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