Case Studies

Watch these short videos to see Evidence for Learning in action in a range of different schools and settings. These case studies show how Evidence for Learning has not just transformed the way that these school assess learning, but also their whole model of provision.

It has done this by allowing the school to effectively “remove” the walls between classrooms so that teachers, teaching assistants, school leaders, therapists, parents and any other stakeholders can work collaboratively to support the learner on their journey.

You’ll see in the videos a truly inquiry-based approach that genuinely places the learner at the centre.

EfL & Hollinwood Academy: How the school has adopted Evidence for Learning

In this short video produced by Hollinwood Academy, the school shares and demonstrates how it is using Evidence for Learning to transform the way it supports learners and their families with SEND. It shows examples of how they incorporate EHCPs into EfL and are able to show how curriculum and learning align with the needs and aspirations of each learner... ensuring that short term planning and long term planning are aligned. Multiple frameworks are used to allow teachers to triangulate their approach with each learner. Families are involved at every stage and the school uses the EfL Family app to share wow moments as well as examples of teaching and support strategies so that families can use these to support learning at home. Families share examples of learning at home and the video also demonstrates how Hollinwood Academy use the EfL Learner app to allow learners to collect and reflect on their own examples of learning. The video also use touches on how the school is using Insights for Learning to create dashboards that pull together assessment data across the school.

SEND in mainstream - How to adapt to rising needs and increasing complexity

Tollgate Primary School in Newham, London uses Evidence for Learning as a formative tool to measure, and demonstrate the progress made by learners who present with severe and complex SEND. The achievement of learners tracked carefully against carefully selected frameworks, thus ensuring that teaching and learning are bespoke and apt to meet the individual and varied needs of learners.The EfL app allows for ongoing parental and family involvement as well as collaboration of other stakeholders, including clinicians and therapists to ensure that curriculum design and implementation provides meaningful learning experiences for pupils. Evidence for learning, provide opportunities for practitioners to reflect on current practice, and to make the necessary adaptations that are needed to secure the progress of all learners. It ensures that assessment for our most complex learners is appropriate and holistic. 

Adaptive collaboration between specialist and mainstream provision teams at Tollgate Primary School

In this video the mainstream and specialist provision teachers and support staff discuss and demonstrate how they use Evidence for Learning, to work more effectively as a team around learners who are spending time in both mainstream classes and within the specialist provision.

Evidence for Learning - Developing a truly personalised approach for SEND learners and ALL Learners

This video provides  an overview of different ways in which Evidence for Learning (EfL) is used in a Complex Needs provision and attached mainstream school (Red Oaks Primary School in Swindon, UK). The school had been using Evidence for Learning (EfL) less than a year when the video was made. It demonstrates a highly personalised approach to assessment that starts with each learner's Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and builds into short term learning goals, steps and targets. It also shows how this links to provide a rich curriculum coverage for each learner. The video also shows how the school engages with parents and empowers them as active partners in their child's learning. 

SEMH: Creating a multi-agency approach to the development of Social, Emotional and Mental Health

This short video shows how Palmerston School, Liverpool is using Evidence for Learning with the Thrive Approach to develop healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning. The video looks at how Evidence for Learning facilitates a genuine multi-agency approach to supporting learners that is built on engagement and a process of Inquiry and collaboration. It includes interviews with parents sharing their experiences and emphasising their perspectives on their children’s learning and well-being and their aspirations for the child’s social, emotional and mental health and independence.

Literacy: Modelling best practice for parents to help with reading and comprehension

In this short video, a teacher at Palmerston School, Liverpool  discusses how they use Evidence for Learning to record and annotate short ‘training’ videos for parents that model good literacy skills, such as how to decode phonics and good questioning. The approach provides a completely personalised set of resources to support the learner, and the Evidence for Learning system allows parents to record evidence of their son or daughter practicing their reading and comprehension at home and outside of school.

Mathematics & Numeracy: Demonstrating mastery and depth of understanding

Watch how EfL is used in a school to support, assess and demonstrate mastery and depth of understanding in a child’s learning. It highlights how teachers are able to use Evidence for Learning to capture and annotate rich learning conversations with and between learners that demonstrate their understanding and level of mastery of key concepts and skills. The videos, notes and teacher reflections support an inquiry approach that can also highlight potential barriers towards engagement and learning informing any useful adjustment of teaching. The school is Red Oaks Primary School in Swindon – a mainstream primary with an attached Complex and Special Needs provision.

EHCPs: Planning & Personalising Assessment using Education, Health and Care Plan as a starting point

This short video shows how Green Park School in Wolverhampton is using Evidence for Learning to capture and assess engagement and learning against EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) outcomes for learners. It illustrates how the school has created Personal Learning Goals in EfL for each learner that are based on the long and short term outcomes from the learner’s EHCP and termly learning intentions/targets that address any barriers to learning and scaffold a learning journey towards the longer term goals and aspirations of the learner. Evidence is captured and linked to relevant outcomes (short and long), and the school’s own ‘bespoke’ assessment model set up within EfL enables them to monitor and have professional conversations about progression based upon holistic development and with reference to EHCP outcomes.

Post 16 Provision: Developing a personalised and authentic curriculum for SEND learners

Watch how Palmerston School, Liverpool supports its Post-16 Provision using Evidence for Learning. It shows how EfL has helped the school to meet the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes and requirements of each learner – creating both a personalised and authentic curriculum that is rooted in the community these learners will shortly be graduating into. Palmerston is able to capture and assess learning and experiences that the learners have both in school and outside of school in the home, in the community and in workplace settings. It has allowed them to collaborate with parents and carers, therapists, local employers and businesses, local community organisations as well as Local Authority stakeholders – facilitating a truly multi-agency ‘wrap around’ support package for each learner. The app is also used by the learners to create digital resumes and CVs that demonstrate a range of their skills, capabilities and achievements.

Parent Engagement & Empowerment: Nurturing and enhancing the triangular relationship

See how EfL has helped to create a myriad of new ways that Red Oaks School is able to engage with its parents. It shows how the app has has been used to empower parents as active partners in their child’s learning. Teachers record personalised videos modelling how parents can help their children with crucial and challenging learning steps. Parents are able to record videos and collect evidence of learning and good work at home and in the community – great for showing where knowledge and skills are beginning to be generalised by learner. Teachers and parents are able to work together more effectively in supporting the learner and the school is able to develop and use a language for learning and assessment that parents can understand and embrace – thereby being better able to support their son or daughter. One parent describes how EfL has transformed her son’s attitude to school and his engagement for learning.

Physiotherapy: Sharing Best Practice to support learners with SEND

In this short video, one of the physiotherapists at Alder Hey Hospital discusses and shows how he uses Evidence for Learning to share best practice with teachers and staff at Palmerston School, as well as parents and carers of learners at the school. He also touches on how he uses the Evidence for Learning app to support the creation of PLG (personal learning goals) for the learners that help to inform and support the development and delivery of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

Prof. Barry Carpenter: Coaching Engagement & inter-rater reliability

Professor Barry Carpenter, working with a teacher at Green Park School in Wolverhampton, demonstrates how Evidence for Learning can be used to provide meaningful video evidence to facilitate professional dialogues about learning. It also looks at how EfL can support moderation, coaching and CPD for teachers and teaching assistants. Barry Carpenter joined the team at Evidence for Learning as Principal Senior Education Adviser in June 2018. 

Engagement: Supporting transition and personalising provision

This video shows and tells how Wolverhampton SNEYS and some of the SEND schools in the local authority use evidence-based engagement data in Evidence for Learning to personalise the provision that each learner receives, as well as supporting the various transitions they undergo as they move between settings, classes and school and home.

Evidence for Learning: A Multi Academy Trust Perspective

In this video Tom Canning CBE (CEO of The Boleyn Trust) and Diane Rochford OBE discuss what have been some of the benefits of implementing Evidence for Learning across schools in The Boleyn Trust. Tom describes what are some of the challenges within the MAT around SEND and Inclusion and shares his perspectives on why and how EfL is helping the schools to respond and meet the needs of pupils with SEND and additional learning needs. He touches on a range of aspects and benefits including how EfL has reduced workload of teachers while helping them to be more effective. The Boleyn Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) of 8 mainstream schools across Newham and Tower Hamlets in London. 

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