Locate Evidence using the Web Console

Here are the steps to locate Evidence using the Web Console:

1.    Go to your Web Evidence Console login page ( https://web.evidenceforlearning.net/efl/login/). 

NB: If you have not yet set up the Web Console for your school please see this set of articles in the EfL Resource Centre (https://resources.evidenceforlearning.net/category/199-setup-your-web-evidence-console)

2.    Enter your schools "domain" in the 1st box and in the 2nd and 3rd box enter your unique Username and Password (the same as you use to enter into the assessment area of the App). 

NB: For quicker access, use your school's customised URL: https://web.evidenceforlearning.net/efl/login/"yourschoolsdomain"

To find out your schools domain please see this article: How do I find out my school's domain?

Once you login you will be on the Evidence and Home Screen of the Web Console. 

See below...

2.    Locate the Learner whose piece of Evidence that you want to Edit. 

You can filter the search by Group, Cohort or by Learner. 

You can click in the box under Group/Cohort and it will show you the Groups and Cohorts that are in your Cloud. Click on Search (right side). All the Learners that match your search criteria will be displayed. 

Alternatively, type the start of the Learner's name and it will display the appropriate Learners that match what you have entered. In this example, I want to edit a piece of "Michael Sheridan" evidence, so I typed "mic" and all the Learners that's name started "Mic" are displayed.

See below...

3. Tap/Click on the name of the appropriate Learner. Once their name appears in the box, Tap/Click Search (right side).

See below...

4. All the Evidence associated to the Learner "Michael Sheridan" will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

See below...

5.     If you can see the piece of Evidence that you want to Edit, you can go to Step 6.

You are able to narrow your search further by using the additional Filters toward the middle of the page to make your search more specific:

- Filter by a date range and then Tap/Click Search.


- Filter by Tag/s by Tapping/clicking in the box and selecting relevant Tag/s and Tap/Click Search 


Narrow your search by Framework or selected Outcomes within it. Tap/Click on the box under Frameworks.

See below...

5.    You will be shown a list of Frameworks in your Cloud, Tap/Click Show to the right of the Framework that you would like to filter by.

If you want to filter by a PLG Framework, tick to "Include PLGs" (bottom left).

See below...

6.    You can then select All Framework items or select the Outcome/s that you want to filter your search by.

In the example below I clicked on Select All Framework Items (top green box), you can see that 39 Items have been selected (top right). You can click Back (top right) if you also want to include items from other Frameworks. In this case I just want to filter to show all evidence that is associated with Michael Sheridan EHCP and Outcomes. When you have made your filter selections click Close (bottom right):

7.    You would then see the following screen where you can see how many Framework Items have been selected. To the Filter the Evidence Search by your selection click Apply (bottom right):

8. The Evidence will be displayed at the bottom of the page that matches your current search in terms of Learners (top of screen) and filters by Frameworks/Tags etc (middle of the page):

Tap Click on the thumbnail of the piece of Evidence that you want to Review, Edit or to Share with Parents/Carers.

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