The EfL Activity Channel & Activity Kit in action at a school
EfL Activity Channel & Activity Kit - Create & share learning activities with learners & families
This video looks at how Palmerston School in Liverpool is using the NEW EfL Activity Channel & Activity Kit to support learners, parents/carers who are working from home or remote locations during the corona virus (Covid-19) crisis. The Activity Channel can also be used to model activities for teaching and learning support assistants, as well as for therapists to create and share support resources with other stakeholders including families and carers.
Teachers, therapists and other authorised staff can create rich video-based Activities containing written & visual instructions, web links and downloadable/printable resources that can be shared with learners and their families/carers via a brand new EfL Activity Channel within the EfL Parent Portal.
Activities can then shared with individual learners, groups/classes or the whole school community.
Activities can be easily duplicated and adapted/personalised (if necessary) for individual learners or groups.
We've also made a provision in the design of the Activity Toolkit to enable schools to share Activities with each other! So you'll be able to create, swap and adapt activities before sharing with families/carers.
Parents/carers (and learners) can access their Activities via the Activity Channel once logged into the Parent Portal and they can easily search for Activities based on relevant themes and aspects. They can also easily differentiate between general Activities and those that might have been personalised for their child.
Each learner has their own personalised Activity Channel containing the Activities that have been shared with them - these can be both general resources (for anyone in the school), as well as personalised Activities that only that learner and family/carers can see.
* Crucially, the EfL Activity Channel is YOUR school's private and secure online channel containing Activities that can be (if desired) easily and quickly personalised for EACH learner and their family/carers.
Parents/carers can then collect photos, videos and notes of their child working through the activity. These can be submitted to the school via the EfL Parent Portal and the school can annotate and link this vital evidence to the relevant learning outcomes for the learner and their overall learning journal/journey.