The EfL Activity Library
You can now create, swap and adapt activities with other schools before sharing with families/carers. This will hopefully help teachers save on workload time and effort and share best practice, while still allowing the necessary adaptation and personalisation of activities where appropriate.
Assign at least one member of staff to be an Activities Manager
Share an Activity to the EfL Activity Library
Browse the EfL Activity Library and import an Activity
Assign at least one member of staff to be an Activities Manager
All users who have access to the Web Console can search the EfL Activity Library and import Activities.
Only Activity Managers can share an Activity that your school has created to the EfL Activity Library. You can have a number of Activities Managers.
To assign a member of staff to be an Activities Manager:
1. Go to your Web Console login page:
For further information see the relevant guide: Login to your Web Console
2. Tap/Click Admin (top right) and then User Manager (top right).
See below...
3. Click the box to the left of their name of the member of staff that you want to be an Activities Manager (a tick will appear).
You can select more than one member of staff at once as long as they currently have the same permissions as one and other.
Tap/Click Apply Permissions (top middle).
See below...
4. Select/tick the permissions that the member of staff already had and then also tick the Activities Manager box.
Finally, Tap/Click Apply.
See below...
5. You will then be taken back to the User Manager Page and you can see that the member/s of staff have been given Activities Manager permission.
See below...
Share an Activity to the EfL Activity Library
Only Activities Managers can share an activity to the EfL Activity Library.
For information on how to add an Activities Manager please see the relevant section of this guide:
Assign at least one member of staff to be an Activities Manager
1. Go to your Web Console login page:
For further information see the relevant guide: Login to your Web Console
2. Select Activities and then My School's Activities (top menu).
See below...
3. Tap/Click Share to the right of the Activity that you want to add to the EFL Activity Library.
See below...
Safeguarding - Please consider privacy and safeguarding, DO NOT upload content that mentions a child's name or identifies a child in photos or Videos.
Respect other people's copyright - only share other people's work with permission and remember to correctly attribute copyright and a link to the relevant website if appropriate.
4. Change the Status of the Activity to Live (top right).
If you would like schools to be able adapt the activity tick the appropriate box.
If selected anybody can import and amend any element of this Activity.
If not selected they will only be able to change the Activity Name and Description.
If you would schools to subsequently be able to share this Activity or an adaptation of it to the Activity Library tick the appropriate box.
See below...
5. Enter relevant copy right information.
Choose to Display School Name and/or Curator name by ticking in the appropriate boxes.
See below...
6. To add the Activity to the EfL Activity Library, Tap Share and Save (bottom left)
See below...
Browse the EfL Activity Library and import an Activity
All users who can access the Web Console can browse and import an activity from the EfL Activity Library.
Welcome to the EfL Activity Library
Search Activities using Keywords
Browse Activities by Popular Keywords
Browse recently added Activities...
Browse trending Activities...
Preview an Activity...
Once you Tap/Click on an Activity, you can review the Activity in detail including any web links and PDFs.
You can also see whether you will have the option to amend the Activity if you choose to import it. When a school adds an Activity the EfL Activity Library they can choose whether schools will have the option to amend the Activity.
See below...
The red messages above clearly show that if you Import the Activity you will not be able to adapt it. If an Activity does not have these clear messages then you will be able to adapt the Activity once you have Imported it.
To Import an Activity, Tap/Click Import this Activity (bottom left)
To return to the EfL Activity Library Tap/Click Activity Library (top left).
If you want to report an issue with the Activity, Please Tap/Click Report.
Once you Import an Activity, it will be added to your School's of Activities.
You may now find it useful to review at the guide on how to Edit an Activity.