Archive or hide outcomes that have been met (PLG)

Setup Statuses for Outcomes in PLGs - "Archived" / "Met" / "SUMMER 20" / "2020/21"

You are now able to create Status Values for PLG Framework items. 

You can then create Framework Views for PLGs that will only show Framework items with particular Status Values.

This will make it easier to manage PLGs as Learners progress and their targets change. 

It allows you to choose not to show particular Framework Items for example you could choose to not show items that have been achieved are no longer a current target.

If you want you can choose to view PLG Framework items that are for a particular time period, for example, you can choose to show only the Framework Items that are for the the Autumn term.

Here's a video that gives you an overview of how you can archive or hide outcomes within PLGs by setting up Status Values and Framework Views:

You can setup multiple Statuses and Views for your PLG Frameworks within Cloud Admin on any device: 

Create a Status Values (PLG Framework Items)

To create a Status Values, Tap on Status Values, then Tap + (top right), name it and Tap Save (top right)

You can create as many Status Values as you want. 

Just remember that the shorter the name of the "Status Value", the clearer it will be displayed on a device. Below are some examples of Status Values that could be created:

Create Framework Views (PLGs)

To create Framework Views, Tap on Framework Views, then Tap + (top right)

Select the Status that you would like to include/exclude in the view by Tapping on the relevant Value. 

Tap once on an item to include it.

Examples of including an Status Value in a view:

You can then create a different View that will show different Status Values. You may want to create a Framework View that excludes a Status Values, to do this Tap twice on the Status Value:

Add Status Values to items in a PLG Framework

You can add Status Values to a Framework by going to the Manage PLG Screen and Tapping on the Pencil Icon to the right of the PLG Framework. In this example, I am going to imagine that some outcomes have been met. Therefore, I am going to add the Status Value of Archived to some of the items in the PLG Framework. This will mean the outcomes are still in the PLG Framework but will not be shown in the Current View but are available at anytime by choosing the Archived View.  

Tap on the Framework item/s that you want to assign a Status Value to and then Tap Set Status (bottom right). 

You will then see the list of all the Status Values that you have setup and you can choose from. Therefore, to add the Archived Status Value to the selected outcomes just Tap on Archived:

Once you have Tapped on the Status Value you want to add you will then be 

You can also set the Default Framework View. This will be the default view when viewing the Assessment Book for the PLG and when the Framework is being used to associate evidence to.

To set the default view, Tap Set Default View (bottom right)

You will then see the list of all the Framework Views that you have setup and you can choose from to set as the default view. In this example, I want the "Current" View to be the default view so I would Tap on that:

You can the see that the Default View has been updated to "Current" (bottom right)

Therefore, when you open the Assessment Book it will be defaulted to show the "Current" View:

You can easily change the View by Tapping on Change:

The default view also applies when associating evidence to the framework when capturing evidence. In this example, as the default view was set to current (top left), it shows only the current outcomes. Again, you can simply change the view if you wish by Tapping Change View (top right):

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