Evidence: How do I change the Framework items that a piece of Evidence is linked to?
1) From the home screen of the App with the word "Capture" and the animated stars Tap on the Evidence icon (looks like a postcard, the middle icon under "Capture")
2) Tap Filter (top right)
3) Select the filter criteria to locate the piece of Evidence and Tap Apply (top right)
4) Tap on the piece of Evidence that you want to edit
5) When the piece of Evidence opens Tap on the Green square so that it become Orange and this allows you to edit the Evidence
6) Scroll down and Tap the pencil icon to the right of Frameworks
7) You can see the Framework items that the piece of Evidence is currently linked to and you can swipe left on any Framework item and Tap delete
8) When you have removed all the Framework items that you want to, Tap Add Links to a Framework
9) Select the Framework and then select the Framework items that you want to link the Evidence to and when completed Tap Done (top right)
10) You will then return to the Evidence Screen and you Tap the Orange Square so that it now becomes Green
11) Tap Save (top right)
The Evidence has now been updated.