Add Tags

Step 1b

   Add Tags to your Cloud

Tags can be added to a piece of Evidence and then used to filter and locate specific examples of learning and interventions. 

It may be that you have want to create Tags for the core areas of the EHCPs or you may want to create Tags for specific interventions, resources or subjects. 

Here is a link to a Word Document that shows some examples of Tags - Tags.docx

1.    On a computer, login to the Web Console.

2.    Hover over Admin (top right) and click Access Admin Console / Area.

See below...

3.    Hover over System Data (top left) and select Tags.

See below...

3.    Click Create (top right).

4.    Name your Tag. You can choose to create a number of new Tags at once by adding each new Tag to a new line.

5.    Select if you want the Tag/s that you are adding to be 'Internal Use'  (if selected a tick will be displayed). Internal use Tags are not displayed in PDF Reports or within any shared Evidence with parents/carers.

Select if you you want the Tag/s that you are adding to be 'Parent Use'. 'Parent Use' Tags are available for Parents to use when they are submitting Evidence (if selected a tick will be displayed).

6.    Click Save.

You can always add more Tags at a later date.

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