Manually Create an EfL Family User (without using the MIS Integration)
Here are the steps to manually create an EfL Family User, without using the MIS Integration.
This allow you to create more than 2 EfL Family Users for a specific Learner:
- Login to the Web Console
- Hover over Admin (top right) and Click User Manager
- Click Family Users
- Click Create User
- Select Manually Create User and Click Create
- Click on the name of the Learner
- Enter in the EfL Family User's first name and last name
- Enter there email address and typically schools also use the email address for the username
- Click Save
The EfL Family User will be created and then you tick to the left of their username to select them. Once selected you can Click Send Credentials to send the EfL Family User an email that contains the School's domain and their Username. The email incudes instructions on how they can set up their own password if they have not been sent a password or they no longer know it.
Alternatively, you may choose tick to the left of their username to select them and then Click Reset Password. This will send them an email that contains their Username a Password.