Create an Assessment Framework (not a PLG)
Here's a video that demonstrates how to make an Assessment Framework:
The steps below will help get you started creating an Assessment Framework using Evidence for Learning on your device.
Here's the steps to create an Assessment Framework
- 1
From the home screen of the App with the animated stars and the word "Capture", Tap on the Cog Icon (top left).
Tap Cloud Admin (top right), enter the Cloud Admin Password and Tap Continue.
- 2
- Tap Assessment Frameworks and then Tap + (top right)
- 3
- Tap + Framework: (none) in the middle of the screen and then Tap on the name of the Framework that you want the Assessment Framework to be linked to.
- 4
Tap View or Edit Assessment Items, then Tap + (top right).
Select any headings, subheadings, statements and/or outcomes that you want to be assessable. Items that have been selected as Assessment Items will be indicated with a tick.
You can switch on Multi-select (top left) and then Tap on a heading to select all items within a section of the Framework.
You can use the slider at the bottom of the screen to collapse the Framework.
To deselect an item, Tap on the item and the tick will disappear to indicate that it has now longer been selected.
When you have selected all the items that you want to be able to make an assessment against Tap Add (top right).
- 5
All the Assessment Items will be highlighted in Green.
If any Assessment items are added incorrectly Swipe it left to delete or add more items Tap + (top right)
When you are happy with your selections Tap Assessment Frameworks (top left)
- 6
Tap View or Edit Assessment Schemas (towards bottom of the menu).
You can Tap Multi Select (top left) and then Tap on any item and they will all be selected and this will be indicated by them turning orange. You can scroll down to ensure you have selected all the items that you want.
Alternatively, you can leave Multi- select switched off and Tap individual items to select them.
When you have selected all the items that you want to assign the same Schema to Tap Assign (top right)
- 7
If relevant you can repeat the process to assign a different Schema to different items.
When you have assigned all the schemas to the items that you want to Tap Assessment Frameworks (top left)
- 8
- To set the Assessment Framework Live Tap Status: Draft and it will change to Status: Live
- 9
- To return to the Cloud Admin Menu Tap Assessment Frameworks (top left) and then Tap Cloud Admin (top left).
Now you have set up the Assessment Framework, you can now 'setup the Assessment Book'.