Set up an Assessment Book (not linked to a PLG)
What is an Assessment Book?
Once you have created an Assessment Framework the next step is to setup an Assessment book.
Assessment Books gives a summary page where you can easily see and access all the Evidence that has been gathered for the learners and which items/outcomes that they have been linked to.
They are a powerful tool in reviewing a Learner's progress and all the inputs from the multi-disciplinary team and they can also be used in planning teaching and interventions.
Assessment Books also have the optional feature of allowing Assessment Users to assess and to record professional judgements.
Usually, Assessment books are setup for each Class or Group of Learners. You can set up as many Assessment Books as you need.
Assessment Books are setup using an iPad and within the Cloud Admin menu.
Here's a video that demonstrates how to make an Assessment Book:
Here are the steps to setup an Assessment book:
- 1
From the home screen of the App with the animated stars and the word "Capture", Tap on the Cog Icon (top left).
Tap Cloud Admin (top right), enter the Cloud Admin Password and Tap Continue.
- 2
- Tap Assessment Books and then Tap + (top right)
- 3
- To name your Assessment Book Tap new Assessment Book (top of screen) and then you can delete this text, rename the Assessment Book and then Tap Save (top right). You will probably want to include the name of the class/Group of Learners and the name of Framework e.g Turtles - EYFS / Oak - Numeracy
- 4
To select the learners, Tap Set Learners for this Assessment Book and then Tap + (top right),
Tap on the relevant Group and then Tap Multi-select (top right) to select all the Learners in the Group or leave multi-select switched off and Tap to select individual Learners.
A tick will indicate that that a Learner has been selected.
Tap Done (top right). Tap Assessment Book (top left) to return to the Assessment Book Settings.
- 5
Tap Set Permissions for this Assessment book and then Tap + (top right) and then select the Assessment Users that you want to be able to access the Assessment Book.
Tap to select an Assessment User and a tick will appear indicate that they have been selected.
Remember Assessment Managers automatically have access to all Assessment Books so you don't need to give them specific permission.
Tap Done (top right). Tap Assessment Book (top left) to return to the Assessment Book Settings.
- 6
Tap Set the Assessment Items for this Assessment Book, select the Assessment Framework, then select the items you want to include, and they will turn Orange. You can select items individually or in bulk by turning on Multi-Select (top left) and then when you tap on any item, they will all be selected and turn orange. Scroll down to ensure that you have selected all the items that you wanted to.
Tap Save (top right). Tap Assessment Book (top left) to return to the Assessment Book Settings.
- 7
- To set the Assessment Book live Tap Status : Draft (Not in use) and you will see that it is now live. You can now Tap < Assessment Books (top left) and then Tap Cloud Admin to return to the Cloud Admin menu.
The Next Step:
Now that you have setup an Assessment Book, you are now ready to "Record a Professional Judgement".