Duplicate an Activity

You can easily duplicate Activities and edit/adapt them to create new Activities.

Here are the steps to duplicate Activities:

Go to your Web Evidence Console login page ( https://web.evidenceforlearning.net/efl/login/). 

For further information see the relevant guide: Login to your Web Console

Select Activities and then My School's Activities (top menu).

           See below...

You can use Filters and then Tap/Click Apply (right side) to locate a particular Activity.

For further information see the relevant guide: How do I use Filter to locate an Activity?

See below...

Tap/Click Duplicate (right side).

See below...

You will see that you now have a duplicated Activity.

You can now Tap/Click Edit (right side) to amend or adapt the duplicated Activity.

See below...

For further information on how to Edit an Activity see the relevant guide within EfL Resources: How do I Edit an Activity?

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