Import Learners via an Excel Spreadsheet for the First Time, when there are no Learners in The Cloud?

You can to save time when adding multiple new learners to the Cloud, using the Import Learners feature. This lets you add Learners in bulk from an Excel spreadsheet, rather thank adding them individually.

In the future, when you already have existing learners set up in your Cloud and you want to add new learners via an Excel spreadsheet, you will need to first of all export all existing Learners and then add the new Learners. The guide for this is: Import Learners via an Excel spreadsheet, when we already have existing Learners in our Cloud.

Here are the steps to import Learners via an Excel spreadsheet when there are no Learners already set up in the Cloud:

On a computer, go to the Admin Console ( and login.

1.    Select  Learners from the menu (left).

2.    Select Import (top right).

3.    In the pop up window, select Click Here to download a blank Excel spreadsheet template. You will use this to populate your data, before importing it back into the Admin Web Console.

4.    Open the Excel file that has downloaded on to your computer. Delete the Example Learner details in the second row and populate the template with your learner details, adding each learner on a new row.

The only mandatory field is First Name, however, we recommend that you add the Learner's UPN in the External ID column.

5.    Save the spreadsheet with a suitable name and in a location that you can easily find.

6.    Return to your Admin Web Console and login. Return to  Learners screen (left side), Select Import (top right), click Choose File and then search (Browse) for your saved spreadsheet file, click Upload.

7.    Map the Columns in the spreadsheet with the columns in the data. If you have used the template it automatically knows which column maps to which field. As you are importing Learners for the first time, they have not yet been allocated a Cloud ID so we can ignore that first field. If you are populating Groups you can also specify which column has group names. 

8.    We want the Cloud ID be used as a unique identifier. If a match is found with an existing Learner's Cloud ID, it will be updated. If there is no match, then a new Learner will be created and assigned a unique Cloud ID. Therefore, select the following options (bottom of the menu):

Use this filed as a Unique identifier (bottom of menu):  Cloud ID

If match found then (bottom of menu):  Update the Learner record   

If no match found then (bottom of menu):  Add the Learner record

9.    Click Next (bottom right, you may need to scroll to the bottom of the page).

10.    Click Process.

Here's our Setup video to help you get started, we've jumped forward to the relevant place for you.

The Next Step:

The next step after adding your Learners is to add your groups. 

You may want to to Create a Group Set and Mutually Exclusive Groups within it e.g. a Group set called Classes and Groups within it called "Oak", "Willow","Birch").

Alternatively, you may want to add Learners to a General Group (that is not mutually exclusive with other Groups) e.g Reading Intervention Group.

At any point you can review further guides on setting up your Cloud on the left hand menu. These include guides on Adding individual Learners and Editing Learners Details. 

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