Create a PLG using the iOS App

A PLG or a Personal Learning Goal is a tool that can be used to create and manage learning goals and outcomes for an individual Learner. 

A PLG consists of a Framework and an Assessment Book for one Learner.

The Assessment Book give a clear summary and easy access to the evidence and notes collected against individual outcomes. It can also be used if you choose to for assessment and to track progress and record professional judgements against the outcomes.

Many schools use PLGs to track progress against Learner's EHCPs and the short-term targets set by the teacher.

The great thing is that you can structure the PLG in a way that is right for you and your learners and they can be adapted and updated with new targets over time.

There is a detailed guide on PLGs called: What is a PLG (Personal Learning Goal)?

If you would like to create the PLG using the Web Console, please see the relevant guide -  Create a PLG using the Web Console.

To create a PLG, you will need to be an Assessment Manager or an Assessment User. If you are an Assessment User you can create a PLG and then it will need to be approved by an Assessment Manager. 

There is a dedicated guide to creating Assessment Managers and Assessment Users.

This guide takes you through step by step the process to create a PLG using the iOS App.
Here's a video that shows you how you can create a PLG using the iOS App:

Where do I create new PLGs using the iOS App?

Login to the Assessment Area of the App. 

From the home screen of the App with the animated stars and the word "Capture", Tap the pencil and pad icon (bottom right).

See below...

Enter in your username and password and Tap Continue.
Tap Manage PLG's (top right).
Tap + (top right).

Name the PLG:

Tap on "new PLG" (top of the screen).
Delete "new PLG" and enter the name of the new PLG (including the learners name or initials) and then Tap Save (top right).

Set the Framework and Assessment Book Live:

Tap on Framework: Archived (Not in Use) and then Tap Live.
Tap on Assessment Book: Draft (Not in Use): Archived (Not in use) and then Tap Live.  

Set the Learner for the PLG:

Tap Set the Learner for this PLG (middle of the screen).
Tap + (top right). Locate the Learner by Tapping on All Learners or Tap on a Group that the Learner is in.  
Tap on the name of the Learner that you want to set for the PLG. Then Tap PLG Settings (top left) to continue to create the PLG.

Specify which assessment users can access the Assessment Book:

Tap Specify which assessment users can access the Assessment Book (towards the bottom of the screen).
Tap + (top right)
Select the Assessment Users that you would like to be able to access the Assessment Book (a tick will appear) and then Tap Done (top right).

Assessment Managers do not need to be given permission to access a specific Assessment Book as they automatically have access to all Assessment Books.

If the owner of the PLG is an Assessment User they will automatically have permission to access the Assessment Book.     

You are now ready to start to add the Framework Items:

Tap Create and Edit Framework/Assessment Items (bottom of screen).

Tap Add a Section, enter a name for your first Section for each of your headings and Tap Save (top right), you can then repeat this process by tapping Add a New Section.

Add a new heading/subheading:

Tap on the item above where you would like to add a new heading and tap on the + Icon.    

See below...

Write in the new item.

If it is a heading/sub-heading do not tick the Enable Evidence Capture box and Tap Save. 

Add a new outcome:

Tap on the item above where you would like to add a new heading and tap on the + Icon.

See below...

Write in the new outcome and if you want to be able to capture evidence and link evidence to it, then make sure you tick the Enable Evidence Capture box and then Tap Save.

See below..

Edit an item:

Tap on the item that you want to edit and then Tap the Pencil Icon:

See below...

Edit the item and then Tap Save.

Duplicate an item:

Tap on the item that you want to duplicate and then Tap the copy icon.

See below...

Change how an item is indented:

Tap on the item and then use the left and the right arrows to change how it is indented. 

See below...

Change the order of items:

Tap on the item that you want to move and then Tap and hold the handle to the right. You can now move the item and release to place it. 

See below...

Delete an item:

Tap on the item that you want to delete and then Tap the Bin icon.

See below...

You can Save the PLG as a draft to complete later:

To Save the PLG to continue working on later, Tap Save (top right).

Once you have finished creating the PLG you can submit it for review:

When you have completed creating the PLG, it will now need to be approved by the Assessment Manager before it becomes live and available to use. 

You can submit it to be reviewed by the Assessment Manager by Tapping Submit for Review (bottom right). 

Type in the reason for setting up the PLG or for the changes you have made and then Tap Submit for Review (Top right) it will then ask you to confirm that you want to submit the PLG for review. 


The change will now be pending until the Assessment Manager approves the Changes

When you submit PLG for review you're able to see 2 copies of the PLG the current version [blank if it’s a new PLG] and the proposed version awaiting review.
If you are the Assessment Manager, you can approve the changes by Tapping Approve (bottom right) and then going straight to step 5 below. If you are not the Assessment Manager, then you will need to wait for the Assessment Manger to approve your changes.

Here is a video that takes you through the steps above

You can now add the PLG Framework to a device. Once the PLG Framework is on your device you will be able to capture and link evidence to the PLG.

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