Step 3 (iOS) - Set up a device

Once you have set up your Cloud, you will be ready to set up your iOS Devices (iPads, iPods).

You will then be ready to start capturing evidence. 

We have tried to make the process as simple as possible and there are videos and guides to help. 

Some of the initial setup will only have to be done once.

Step 1:   Activate Subscription and Quick Pair so that the device is linked to your Cloud

There are detailed written instructions to accompany this video below:

1. Open the Evidence for Learning App and Tap on the Cog (top left).

See below...

2. Tap  Activate Subscription (towards the very bottom of the menu).

3. Enter a unique Device Id and Device Key and Tap   Activate

In the welcome email that we will have sent will be a list of Device IDs and Device Keys. 

4. Tap Quickpair this device.

5. Enter the Quickpair passphrase and Tap Quickpair (bottom right). 

In the welcome email that we will have sent will be your QuickPair passphrase. 

Your device will now be paired to your Cloud.

See below...

Step 2:   Add data to your Device from the Cloud (Learners, Tags, Frameworks etc)

Here are links to detailed written instructions to accompany this video:

Here is a link to return to the guide: Start your Trial - Overview and Walkthrough videos.

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