Introduction to Frameworks

Two Types of Frameworks: A Framework (not a PLG) and a PLG (Personal Learning Goals

When thinking about Frameworks it is useful to consider that there are two distinct types. 

There are Frameworks that will be used by more than one learner. This would include Subject Specific, Curriculum and Accreditation Frameworks. They may be nationally recognised or Frameworks that you have created yourselfs.

Examples, would be EYFS, AET, ASDAN, Preparation for Aduthood and the National Curriculum Frameworks.   

There is another type of Framework, that will only be used for individual learner. It may have been created based on an individual's Education and Health Care Plan. Alternatively, it could be based on any individual's needs, targets or outcomes. Frameworks, created for one learner, are known as a PLG (Personal Learning Goal).

Examples, would be EHCPs, IEPs and / or any set of individualised Outcomes for one.  

Here are links to other guides around Frameworks

Create or add your own Framework (that will be used with more than 1 Learner)

Import a Framework from the EfL Framework Library

Create a set of individualised outcomes for use with a single learner (e.g. EHCPs, IEPs, etc.) using a preloaded template

Add Frameworks to an iOS device

Add Frameworks to an Android Device

Edit a Framework (not a PLG)


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