Create and Share Activities (home learning) with Parents/Carers

The EfL Activity & Activity Kit is located in the Web Console and it lets any teacher create activities to share with learners and their families/carers via the parent portal. 
Activities can consist of written instructions, videos (e.g. modelling activity for parents/carers), weblinks and PDF resources. These can then shared with individual learners, groups/classes or whole school/college via a new "Activities" channel in the EfL parent portal.

To share Activities with Parents/Carers, you will need to enable the EfL Activity Channel using the Admin Console. 

For further information please see the relevant guide within EfL Resources: 

Enable the EfL Activity Channel so that staff can share Activities with Parents/Carers

Here are the steps to Create an Activity:

Go to your Web Console login page:
For further information see the relevant guide: Login to your Web Console

Select  Activities and then My School's Activities (top menu).

See below...

Tap/Click  Create Activity (top right).

See below...

Tap/Click Activity Status and select Live or Draft. 

Draft enables you create and save your Activity before setting in live and sharing it with parents/carers. 

See below...

Enter the Activity Name.  

Write an optional short description of the Activity that outlines the focus/purpose of the activity. 

Parents/carers can search for Activities that have been shared. Therefore, use a description to help your Parents/Carers find and differentiate between different Activities.

See below...

If appropriate Tap/Click on the date to change how you want the Activity to be recorded within EfL.

See below...

You can choose to make the Activity available for All Learners or Selected Learners.

If you want the Activity to be available for All Learners, tick the relevant box.

See below...

If you want the Activity to be available for Selected Learners, Tap/Click in the relevant box and select the appropriate Learners.

See below...

Select if you want the Activity to be Shared with Parents. 

You can only select 'Shared with Parents' to an Activity that has a 'Live' Status.

If you select the Activity Status to be 'Live' and also select 'Shared with Parents', as soon as you Save the Activity it will be available for the Parent/Carers to access.

See below...

Upload up to 3 pictures or videos by Tapping/Clicking on Upload.

When you access the Web Console from a device that can take videos/photos, you will be given the option to "Take Photo or Video" or to select from the "Photo Library". If you are given this option, we would recommend you select from the "Photo Library". Therefore, before you start to create the Activity, prerecord any videos or take any photos that you intend to use so that you can easily select them.   

See below...

Once you have Uploaded the Activity Photos/videos they will be displayed.

See below...

Write in the detailed Activity notes. 

You may want choose to include: Items needed to complete the activity; step by step instructions to follow; helpful tips or things to remember; the Learning Outcomes, etc.

You can use bullet points and / or put items in a number list. 

See below...

Add up to 3 Activity Weblinks. Enter the name of the link and paste in the weblink.

This allows you to add links to other websites such as Youtube/educational sites.

See below...

Add up to 3 Activity PDFs. Enter the name of the PDF Label and Tap/Click Choose file.

Adding PDFs allows you to add useful resources or handouts that Learners/Parents/Carers can refer to or complete as part of the Activity.

See below...

Once you have selected the Activity PDFs they will be displayed.

See below...

Add Tags to the Activity by Tapping/Clicking in the relevant box.     

Using Tags will help you to organise and to locate your Activities. All the Tags that you have already created are available to be added to an Activity.  

For information on creating new Tags, see the relevant guide within EfL Resources: Add Tags to your Cloud

See below...

Finally, when you have finished creating the Activity Tap/Click Save (bottom left).
See below...

Once, you Save the Activity you will be taken back to the main Activities Screen.

We have other guides on Activities that you will find useful:

Enable the EfL Activity Channel so that staff can share Activities with Parents/Carers

Preview an Activity

How do Parents/Carers access the Activities that have been shared?

How do I use Filters to Locate Activities?

Duplicate an Activity

Edit an Activity

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