Other Articles
- How do I Convert an Existing Framework into a PLG?
- Create a PDF of an Assessment Book
- Change the Admin Console Password
- PLG: How do I use the iOS App to Approve Changes to a PLG?
- QuickPair an iOS device
- What is the difference between Pair and QuickPair?
- ​Create a PDF of an Assessment Book (Web Console)
- Add Learners to a General Group (that is not mutually exclusive with other Groups)
- How do I make Bulk Changes to PLGs? You can Multi-select PLGs: Change Owner, Set Permissions and Move PLGs to Folders
- Add Tags to an Android device
- Locate Evidence using the Web Console
- Add Date Ranges to the Cloud
- PLG: How do I Change which Assessment Users can Access the PLG Assessment Book?
- PLG: How do I Change the owner of a PLG?
- Set up and manage Frameworks in the Cloud
- Add Frameworks to an Android device
- How do I move a PLG into a Folder?
- How can I login to the Admin Console / Area?
- Upload a PDF that was not created in EfL (e.g. communication plans, therapy plans, etc.)
- Add Learners to Groups via an Excel spreadsheet