Other Articles
- Password: I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
- How do parents/carers upload evidence?
- Explore the PLG Assessment Book and create a PDF
- Create a Group Set (e.g. 'Classes') and individual Groups (e.g 'Blue Class")
- Add Tags to Your Cloud
- Manually Pair an iOS device
- How do I Create Folders to organise PLGs?
- Capture Evidence using the Web Console
- How do I setup the Web Console?
- Set New Outcomes, Edit Existing Outcomes or re-order items within a PLG (iOS App)
- PLG: Can I update the status of a PLG outcome?
- Add Multiple Learners at once to your Cloud using a Spreadsheet
- Learners: How do I Add Individual Learners to the Cloud?
- Add Groups of Learners to my iOS device
- Add Tags to an iOS device
- Share a PDF report with parents/carers
- Set up and manage Learners and Groups in the Cloud
- Export Assessment Data to an Excel Spreadsheet
- Add Individual Learners to an iOS device
- Change the Admin Console Password