Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I login to the Admin Console / Area?
- Password: I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
Setting Up the Cloud
- How can I login to the Admin Console / Area?
- How do I set up and manage Learners and Groups in the Cloud?
- How do I set up and manage Frameworks in the Cloud?
- How do I add Tags to the Cloud?
- How do I add Date Ranges to the Cloud?
- How do I add Comment Templates to the Cloud?
MIS Integration Plug-in (wonde)
- How can I find more information about the MIS Integration?
- How do I get a quote to use the MIS Integration?
- How do I initially set up the MIS Integration?
- How to I add a new Learner to Evidence for Learning using the MIS Integration?
iOS (ipads / iPods / mobile phones)
- Which devices is EfL compatible with? - School App, Family App, Learner App, Guest App (iOS & Android Devices)
- How do I set up an iOS Device (iPad, iPod)?
- What is the difference between Pair and QuickPair?
- How do I manually Pair an iOS device?
- How do I QuickPair an iOS device?
- How do I add Groups of Learners to an iOS device?
- How do I add Individual Learners to an iOS device?
- How do I add Frameworks to an iOS device?
- How do I add Date Ranges to an iOS device?
- How do I add Tags to an iOS device?
- How do I add Comment Templates to an iOS device?
iOS Troubleshooting
- The Evidence on my Device is not uploading/transferring to the Cloud, what can I do?
- The text / font is white within Evidence for Learning App, how do I change it?
- How do I find out the version of the EfL app that is on my device?
- The App closes when I Tap the Share / Export button in a PDF
- The Frameworks / Groups are not updating on my iPad
- When I playback a video there is no sound
- The app on my iPad is crashing / closing
- Unable to open an Assessment Book - I am getting a continuous spinning wheel
- Unable to add Learners / Groups / Frameworks to my device but I am getting a continuous spinning wheel
Android (tablets / mobile phone)
- Which devices is EfL compatible with? - School App, Family App, Learner App, Guest App (iOS & Android Devices)
- How do I set up an Android Device?
- How do I add Groups of Learners to my Android device?
- How do I add Individual Leaners to my Android device?
- How do I add Frameworks to my Android device?
- How do I add Date Ranges to my Android device?
- How do I Add Tags to my Android device?
- How do I Add Comment Templates to my device?
Android (tablets / mobile phone) Troubleshooting
- The Frameworks / Groups are not updating on my Android Device
- The App on my Android Device is crashing / closing
- How do I locate all the Evidence that is stored on my device?
- A piece of Evidence has become duplicated a number of times
- The Evidence on my Device is not uploading/transferring to the Cloud, what can I do?
- How do I change the Framework items that a piece of Evidence is linked to?
- How do I change the Learner that a piece of Evidence is link to?
PLGs (Individualised Targets, EHCPs, IEPs etc.)
- How do I make Bulk Changes to PLGs? You can Multi-select PLGs: Change Owner, Set Permissions and Move PLGs to Folders
- What changes can you make to PLGs in bulk?
- Can I update the status of a PLG outcome?
- How to I Delete a PLG?
Frameworks (Subject Specific, Accreditations, etc.) - Not PLGs
- Create or add your own Framework (that will be used with more than 1 Learner)
- Import a Framework from the EfL Framework Library
- Edit a Framework (Not a PLG)
- How do I add Frameworks to an iOS device?
- How do I add Frameworks to my Android device?
- Why and how do I create Assessment Managers and Users?
- I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
- How do I Assign an Assessment Schema to a PLG?
- How do I setup Baseline Flags and record Baseline Judgments?
- How do I Setup Expected Outcome Flags?
- How do I record an Assessment Judgements / Professional Statements (Web Console)
- How do I edit or delete an Assessment Judgement / Professional Statement / Baseline?
- How do I edit an Assessment Book (not linked to a PLG)?
- How do I export Assessment Data to an Excel Spreadsheet?
- PLG: How do I use the iOS App to Approve Changes to a PLG?
- How do I create a PDF that contains the Learner's Evidence (Web Console)
- How do I create a PDF of an Assessment Book (Web Console)
- How do I use an iPad to Create, Print, Email and/or Upload to the Cloud a PDF that contains a Learner's Evidence (iOS)
- How can I locate all the PDFs that are still on my device and have never been uploaded to the Cloud?
- How can I use the Web Console to create a PDF that includes Learner' Evidence and the Indicator Table View / Spider web data
Web Console
- How do I setup the Web Console?
- How do I find out my schools "domain" to login to the Web Console?
- Password: I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
- How can I set up two factor Authentication?
- Firewall: What Firewall Settings allow Evidence for Learning to operate?
- How do I record an Assessment Judgements / Professional Statements (Web Console)
EfL Family App
- Are there any Documents / guidance around the EfL Family App that we can use with parents (guides. handouts, letters etc)?
- Are there notifications that parents / carers can enable?
- How is a teacher notified when parents / carers have uploaded Evidence?
- How can family members download Photos or Videos using the EfL Family App?
- How do EfL Family Users reset their password?
GDPR, Privacy, Security and Data Processing Terms
- Where can I find detailed information regarding GDPR and access the our DP, security and privacy policies?
- How can I as an EfL User enable Two-Factor Authentication to be used when logging into the Web Console?
Here is a link to the recording of a webinar about using EfL to support use of EQUALS materials- EQUALS & Evidence for Learning
Here is a link to an information sheet provided by ASDAN - ASDAN & Evidence for Learning Information Sheet
Our customer support team will be keen to answer any questions.
Simply, fill in a Contact Us Form or email us at
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